
Friday, August 24, 2012

Dr Seuss Graduation Open House Banner

As some of my readers know, my "baby" sister graduated high school in May. And now that she is off to college and has started her first semester *sniff, sniff.* I thought "better late than never" sharing what we did for her Graduation Open House. I know, I know this is long over due and I know school is back in session for most and you aren't even thinking about graduation, but if you have a senior or even a little one that you will be planning a graduation event for let me tell you, it is NEVER to early to start planning!!! So I decided to go ahead and share this post with you and will probably re-share as graduation time approaches.

So my sister decided she wanted to use Dr. Seuss' "Oh The Places You'll Go" as her theme and wanted to include a "candy bar." Quick funny story, when my mom was explaining the idea of the "candy bar" to my dad she said "And she wants to have a candy bar" he said, "what kind?" So mom had to explain she didn't want a candy bar, but rather a bar full of candy...  I LOVED it and just started laughing, he he,  sometimes guys just don't get us do they?!? :-)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Quick & Easy Garlic Pizza Bread

Hey all today I have a super quick and easy, yummy post for you today!  It is no secret around here that my little guy and I LOVE pizza. We could eat it most days of the week and we wouldn't be bothered by it at all. We even do pizza night once a week, we try to mix it up so we aren't having the same thing all the time (although I have NO problem with a classic pepperoni pizza - it's my Fav!!!) and it gives us something to look forward to. Anyhow, while we were watching the Olympics my little guy saw a commercial for a garlic bread pizza and said, "We have this tonight?" I was thinking, "Um, no, we can totally make this on our own!" but politely said "Maybe on pizza night!" :-)

We've actually been eating this as a side where we would normally have garlic bread, but soon we won't be eating it all the time. Garlic bread has a lot of sodium and butter, something we try to limit, but while it's a new thing in our house we sure are loving it!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Blogiversary To Bean Bug Crafts!

So I've totally been busy doing other stuff this summer rather than my blog and Etsy shop and I just realized my blogiversary just recently passed! Bean Bug Crafts Blog and Shop have been around for a whole year! I can't believe it!!! It has definitely been hard at times trying to figure the direction of both the blog and the shop, but I'm happy with doing both part-time and keeping my primary focus on my family.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Bird House Hair Bow Holder

Hello everyone! Remember me? I'm still around I have just been super busy enjoying every bit of this summer that I possibly can.

Well, since I'm here how about a tutorial?  I'm pretty excited about the tutorial I'm sharing with you all today for several reasons. 1) because it's been SO long since I've shared a tutorial 2) if you are like me and have a little girl then you probably have tons and tons of hair bows and need a place for all of them 3) I was given a $30 gift certificate for the online store Lots Of Buttons, through the Totally Tutorials Supplier Exchange Program,  to help me with my project!!!