
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Inspiration, testing, & rain!

So today's devotional was James 1:19NIV "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry". My little guy tested that last part on me today, but I love him so much and he was actually part of my inspiration for today. 
Little man had his crayons in my craft room "drawing" as I was trying to gear up for more projects. His desire for learning is incredible! Anyhow, he had me thinking of some of the "back to school" projects I would like to get done before school starts (I know it's in as little as two weeks for some, so I better get started!!). So for now I'm thinking a couple more altered frames, altered composition notebooks, and maybe a altered pencil box. All this of course being done while I fulfill other orders :-)

So we took a trip to our local Michaels Store and I scored!! Love the stuff I got and can't wait to use it.
Of course I got some paper, I can't go into a craft store and not get paper, it's a sick addiction I have. But I needed some new Mod Podge and I got a ton of flocking and microbeads (sure going to have to think of something to do with that), and ribbons and bling, oh my!!! And I love, love Ball Jars so I had to get this one to store some of my bigger ribbons in! Love it!!

Anyhow, I will probably be spending some quality time with my little guy tomorrow since we had a bit of a trying, rainy day today, may just have to pick back up crafting on Saturday. 

Until next time, remember: be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry

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