
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nature Inspirations

The last few days we have been taking advantage of when it stops raining and starts being sunshiny! As soon as the sun it out, we are out. My little guy doesn't mind helping me wipe down his slide and trucks so he can sit on them and he sure doesn't mind if his toes get a little wet!! I think he even knows that before to long, our sunny days will be involving cold and snow!!

So as it turns fall (I'm still not ready to admit that it IS fall) I know I have become more aware of the beautiful things that surround me. Being in tune with nature and how it changes and appreciating the beauty of change is one of the best ways, in my opinion, to help me get through this rainy month. So I have taken a few (acutally several today) pictures and would like to share with you what I've been seeing in my neck of the woods.

This is our first year for these blueberry plants. They are doing great, and I can't wait to see what fruit they produce in the years to come!

This plant is easy for my little guy to get to. He likes to pick them, say "berries" and eat them! He caught on quick that we only eat the blue ones :-)

This was taken right after a quick little rain we had, the rainbow was starting to form.

The Beginning of the rainbow. By the time I got outside to take pictures, we had a full rainbow.

It was so beautiful. We see a lot of rainbows up here and usually we get to see the whole thing and it's not unusual to see double rainbows. Just a reminder of God's Grace, I love it!!!

 And last, but certainly not least, are some flower that my little guy "helped" me pick from my garden. We didn't have much of a garden, to many other projects this year, but I'm excited about planning for next years garden. My Bean already likes to "help" me so it should be loads more fun next summer!

Anyhow, that's been the last few days.

Daily Devotional today was about seeking God throughout the day not just in the morning. And when things go "wrong" we shouldn't react negatively as if we are being punished, but rather view the difficulties as blessings in disguise. Key verses: Psalms 55:17, 32:6, & 62:8.  This is something that I know I struggle with, especially while going through the difficult time or when things are going wrong. Just something minor, but today was one of those "Why do I even put a bib on the kids" day! You know what I mean!! Food spit out, sneezed out and wiped out everywhere, the only clean spot is the spot under the bib!! LOL

Anyhow, BeanBugCrafts has reached 50 FaceBook fans ( BeanBugCrafts FanPage ) so we are doing our first giveaway. Be sure and go "like" our fanpage if you haven't already done so.

Until then, get out and enjoy what Nature & God has given you!!

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