
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: It was a Spooky Snowy Halloween!

This was my baby girls first Halloween and the little guys third. Of course this was his first Halloween where he really got into the candy so we had our hands full trying to keep him from eating all of it up at once! We did let him have some fun the chocolate though! 

My 'lil pumpkin and 'lil farmer!

Sis was hanging on to dear brother and he really didn't appreciate it!

She is happy!

Isn't she cute?

Here is a better view of the little tutu I made for her. I'm so glad I did, she was way cute in it!

My 'lil farmer and his dirty face!

So cute!

He is checking out the snow falling outside. 
I love the little handkerchief. He kept it in because he loves having things in his pockets!

Now it's time for chocolate. He, he, he...

Oh yeah, that's good stuff!

And he got it everywhere!

And we had a couple of trick-or-treaters. 

They were pretty easy to please. 

They did cause a bit of a traffic jam though. 

That was pretty much our Halloween. Cute, simple and snowy! I think my little people made the cutest Pumpkin and Farmer combo ever, don't you?

Be sure and check out the other Wordless Wednesday posts listed below.


  1. How fortunate you are to have such great wildlife just walking about! Cute kids, too!

  2. Ohhh! They are so sweet! And wow that moose is HUGE. What a great way to spend halloween!

  3. They are so precious!! What a great brother--letting his sis pick on him! hehe!
    Thanks for linking up, Happy W/W!

  4. What cute, cute kids! We have possum and coyotes but moose???? They are big!

    Teresa from nanahood

  5. Those photos are so precious ~ both of them are very photogenic ~ Beautiful children ~ ^_^ ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) linked w/WW

  6. Oh my gosh, soooo cute!!! They are just darling!! And your trick or treaters make much better photo fodder than mine! How neat!

  7. their costumes are so cute! love the tutu. You had a mmose visit? what candy was his favorite? cool pictures :) thanks for stopping, linking up & commenting. Faythe @ GMT

  8. adorable pictures!

  9. Precious! I love her taking him by the ear! lol

  10. These are great shots and your kids are incredibly cute! And the moose!!!! Ubercool as my son would say.


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