
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Let It Snow Alaska Style

With all the fresh, wonderful snow we recently got, I couldn't stop at just a few pictures. Enjoy & Happy Wordless Wednesday!
The bottom of this photo are rooftops, and all the fog in the middle is covering houses. There is not a body of water here, just residential. It was Beautiful and the sun hadn't quite peaked over the mountain yet. 

The little cabin got a touch more of snow. 

Doesn't all this untouched snow make you just want to go out in it and play and jump off that slide!

Our deck completely covered. 

Yep that's a lot of snow. But I love it! 

What I love most after a couple of days of good snowfall though is when the sun comes out! It is the BEST! Usually when the sun comes out it means it's a bit cold, but how beautiful to see everything so fresh and new!

This reminded me of lace. 

It had been awhile since I've played with my camera and I played with exposure a little bit. Days like this day makes me wish I really knew how to use my camera. I feel like I don't capture half of the beauty. 

If you would like to see more pics of the most recent record snowfalls throughout the state of Alaska, you can find them at these posts:  January Valdez Snowstorm PhotosCordova Snowstorm Photos

Thanks for Stopping by! More Wordless Wednesday posts can be found here as well as those who have linked up below. Have a great week!

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1 comment:

  1. I've been watching you guys on the news! Good luck!


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