Bean Bug Crafts has had over 21,000 page views, almost at 100 GFC followers (help spread the word so we can get there!), 280 Facebook fans and many, many features from some other great blogs. And I can't even begin to tell you about the friendships and relationships I've been able to be a part of because of the blog.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Happy Blogiversary To Bean Bug Crafts!
So I've totally been busy doing other stuff this summer rather than my blog and Etsy shop and I just realized my blogiversary just recently passed! Bean Bug Crafts Blog and Shop have been around for a whole year! I can't believe it!!! It has definitely been hard at times trying to figure the direction of both the blog and the shop, but I'm happy with doing both part-time and keeping my primary focus on my family.
Bean Bug Crafts has had over 21,000 page views, almost at 100 GFC followers (help spread the word so we can get there!), 280 Facebook fans and many, many features from some other great blogs. And I can't even begin to tell you about the friendships and relationships I've been able to be a part of because of the blog.
Bean Bug Crafts has had over 21,000 page views, almost at 100 GFC followers (help spread the word so we can get there!), 280 Facebook fans and many, many features from some other great blogs. And I can't even begin to tell you about the friendships and relationships I've been able to be a part of because of the blog.
Congrats on one year!! Your blog is adorable!
Laurie @ Galkamore West
Oops... On my phone & saw that I spelled my own last name wrong as I hit send!!!! Geesh!! :))