
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Busy, Blustery Fall

Hey All, lots of things going on around here!

We just recently celebrated our little guys Birthday. We also just went through a few major windstorms and I’m now just getting back into fall decorating! I have a ton of stuff going through my head and fingers crafting away and just need to get through several hundred pictures and get busy sharing!! LOL

I spent one week doing most of the prep work for the little guys 3rd Birthday. It was so much fun, but it kind of snuck up on me or maybe I underestimated the time it would take me to do everything I wanted to do… nah that would never happen. Anywho, with hubby’s help we got done what needed to be done and had a “Choo-Choo” time of a party. That’s where the several hundreds of photos come in. I have so many pictures of everything that I need to edit, but it will be so worth the wait I promise!

The other thing going on around here has been some unusual windstorms and flooding. If we lived somewhere warmer you might even call what we had, oh I don’t know a Hurricane and maybe a Tropical Storm! Well, I’ve decided to name it “Hurricane Alaska” and “Tropic-less Tropical Storm” – original I know. We had power outages several times and some had power out for many, many days. Lots of damage from trees being uprooted, the wind blowing & throwing things around, and flooding. It has been crazy!

Our typical fall season is a pretty short, the last days of  “warm” temperatures (and I use the term warm loosely) and fall colors goes by quickly. This is the time of year we should be winterizing, putting away the outdoor toys, and putting up the Christmas lights but instead many are trying to fix their homes from the damage. You can read more about the storms and see photos of all that’s been going at our local newspapers website here and here. For the most part I think the wind is done, at least I hope so. A decent portion of the state is still dealing with flooding. Needless to say the constant wind and rain left me with little motivation.

But fall is my FAVORITE time of year, I mean FAVORITE. Love, Love, Love every minute of it so I’ve moved on from sulking because of the crummy weather, and I am appreciating the fact that I have much to celebrate and to be thankful for and it’s time to get back to fall decorating. Yay! So here are a few of my fall favorites of what we’ve been doing around here.

Baby girl having so much fun playing in the rain. Playing in water is her favorite!

 Rain or Shine, it’s always a good time for bubbles!

 Having so much fun playing with the leaves.

The Little guy got so excited every time the leaves in his hands would blow away.

 We were able to go pick apples. A very rare, special fall treat here.

This is a little tease of my entryway table that I will be sharing with you all. I can’t wait! Now that the birthday decorations are down, ok almost down, I’ll be putting up lots more fall decorations and starting on my Halloween Decorations. Yippee!!!!

So be sure to stop back by, I wouldn’t want you to miss any of the goodies.

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