
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Retiring Product

Hey All,

I've been out the last few days trying to catch on some much needed TLC with my family. As you can imagine having two little ones, a husband, and trying to start a new business can be somewhat overwhelming. I've been trying to balance it all out, something I know we all can relate to in one way or another. Whew, Anyhow....

I wanted to announce that I will be retiring the Flower Decorations currently listed in my shop. I'm doing this to make room for all the wonderful ideas I have in my head for fall, Halloween, and Christmas. That's not to say that you won't see the flower decorations again, and since they are so popular who knows how long they will be retired ;-) but just in case,  if you were thinking of having a flower party or shower, now is the time to order the decorations!

Flower Confetti $9.00 for 50 count

Cupcake Toppers $13 for a set of 12

Flower Photo Banner $30

Flower "Happy Birthday" Banner $30 Personalization $1/letter; Flower Highchair Banner $15

Flower Pot Invitations Set of 12 $40

here are a couple more decorating ideas and favor ideas from other Etsy shops for your garden theme party or shower:

Paper flower Bouqet from TeRoDesigns on Etsy

DIY Paper Flower Bloom Balls-PDF ePattern by adamsblankie on Etsy

Personalized Flower Tote Bag by GabbsBags on Etsy

Happy Decorating!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ideas for Construction/Dump Truck Theme Party

So today I want to share with you some pics of what and how you can use the Dump Truck Party decorations. These are pics from my little guys 1st birthday, we had so much fun!

We had this sign on the door as you came in. I googled "Caution" signs and found this and printed it off on yellow cardstock. Sorry I don't remember the source.

Our Entry way as you came in. Even the scarecrow got involved! The dump truck held the party favor bags and the plastic hard hats for the guests to wear. The "Caution" sign was again printed on Yellow Cardstock. 

Close-up of the smaller signs. I will have these listed on my shop soon! 

My little guy's Birthday Cake, it was fun & challenging!! The table spread was a black table cloth, some old plans/ or blue prints, we had a level on the table, and then little construction type trucks.

Better view of the plans and level. 

The Gift table had the same: black table cloth, plans, level, and of course colorful balloons!

My little guy before he smashed into his cake. I decorated the hard hat and made the highchair banner. The highchair banner can be purchased at my Etsy Shop Dump Truck/Construction Theme Highchair Banner 
Also, his Grammy made his absolutely adorable onesie that reads: "I Dig Being 1". I'm sure if you were interested, Bean could convince Grammy (with lots of hugs and kisses, of course) to make one for you too!

This was our Hall of Balloons. The Kids LOVED it!!! and it was a great, fun place to display the little guy's first year photo banner. I love the 1st year photo banner because it really lets you see just how fast and how much they grow in 12 months! It is Crazy!!!! You can also purchase the photo banner at my Etsy Shop at First Year Dump Truck Photo Banner

Anyhow, hope you enjoyed some of the ideas and different ways to use the Construction Theme decorations. Remember I love custom orders so if there is something you would like and you don't see it, just contact me. Check out my Etsy Shop for other items as well as more Construction Theme Items at BeanBugCrafts Etsy Shop

Until next time, make sure you use "caution" when planning your next party!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nature Inspirations

The last few days we have been taking advantage of when it stops raining and starts being sunshiny! As soon as the sun it out, we are out. My little guy doesn't mind helping me wipe down his slide and trucks so he can sit on them and he sure doesn't mind if his toes get a little wet!! I think he even knows that before to long, our sunny days will be involving cold and snow!!

So as it turns fall (I'm still not ready to admit that it IS fall) I know I have become more aware of the beautiful things that surround me. Being in tune with nature and how it changes and appreciating the beauty of change is one of the best ways, in my opinion, to help me get through this rainy month. So I have taken a few (acutally several today) pictures and would like to share with you what I've been seeing in my neck of the woods.

This is our first year for these blueberry plants. They are doing great, and I can't wait to see what fruit they produce in the years to come!

This plant is easy for my little guy to get to. He likes to pick them, say "berries" and eat them! He caught on quick that we only eat the blue ones :-)

This was taken right after a quick little rain we had, the rainbow was starting to form.

The Beginning of the rainbow. By the time I got outside to take pictures, we had a full rainbow.

It was so beautiful. We see a lot of rainbows up here and usually we get to see the whole thing and it's not unusual to see double rainbows. Just a reminder of God's Grace, I love it!!!

 And last, but certainly not least, are some flower that my little guy "helped" me pick from my garden. We didn't have much of a garden, to many other projects this year, but I'm excited about planning for next years garden. My Bean already likes to "help" me so it should be loads more fun next summer!

Anyhow, that's been the last few days.

Daily Devotional today was about seeking God throughout the day not just in the morning. And when things go "wrong" we shouldn't react negatively as if we are being punished, but rather view the difficulties as blessings in disguise. Key verses: Psalms 55:17, 32:6, & 62:8.  This is something that I know I struggle with, especially while going through the difficult time or when things are going wrong. Just something minor, but today was one of those "Why do I even put a bib on the kids" day! You know what I mean!! Food spit out, sneezed out and wiped out everywhere, the only clean spot is the spot under the bib!! LOL

Anyhow, BeanBugCrafts has reached 50 FaceBook fans ( BeanBugCrafts FanPage ) so we are doing our first giveaway. Be sure and go "like" our fanpage if you haven't already done so.

Until then, get out and enjoy what Nature & God has given you!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


So after my little one woke up for her early am feeding this morning, I couldn't get back to sleep. Instead of tossing and turning, I decided to get up and start my day off with a walk with my Molly Jo Dog and no kids! It was wonderful!!! Don't get me wrong I was so exhausted and tired and did not do it for physical exercise, but ended up being great mental exercise. It was so nice to just be and let my mind be free. I chose to listen to the Meredith Andrews Station on my Pandora and it was such a perfect fit to start out my day. The first two songs were perfect: Point of Grace's "You are Good" and Meredith Andrews "Treasure"

 Then I came home did my devotion and what was it about? Relaxing & spending time with God! Both are something, I have definitely needed to do. "Energy and time are precious, limited entities. Therefore, you need to use them wisely, focusing on what is truly important." Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
This devotion just hit the spot today and totally encouraged me.

Here are a few pics from my walk this morning. Sorry for the poor quality, I took them with my phone. Next time I'll try to remember my camera so I can really capture the beauty of a "fall" like walk on a day just beginning.

The tiny dots are a flock of ducks flying south. Yep, it's that time of year here.

Beautiful view of the lake showing the sun is rising. It hasn't quite made it over the mountains yet.

Molly started taking off down the hill and I wasn't sure why. I was actually afraid it might have been a moose or bear, then I came around the curve and saw the ducks swimming. Molly is a bird dog and LOVES ducks! I stopped her though, it was a little chilly for a morning swim :-)

Be sure to relax and re-evaluate your time to make sure you are spending it in the things that really matter.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today we finally had sunshine! It has rained everyday so far in the month of August, so seeing the sun today was wonderful! I'm sure it still rained, but I didn't witness it so I'm happy about that!

I've been busy putting together party invitations & party decor for the Garden Theme Decorations I have listed on my etsy shop It reminds me of when I originally did these for my niece's first birthday, I had to make 35 invites for her party which made a total of 105 little flowers just for the invites! So yes, I've done a large order in the past and would be more than happy to do it again.

This time I had a custom order for "Thank You" cards and cupcake toppers. I really liked how they turned out and have added them to my shop as well.

12 Cupcake Toppers (4 designs, 3 of each) $13+sh

Set of 12 "Thank You" cards w/envelopes $17+sh

Also, gearing up for my son's birthday party, idea's are finally starting to get rolling. More on that later though!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Inspiration, testing, & rain!

So today's devotional was James 1:19NIV "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry". My little guy tested that last part on me today, but I love him so much and he was actually part of my inspiration for today. 
Little man had his crayons in my craft room "drawing" as I was trying to gear up for more projects. His desire for learning is incredible! Anyhow, he had me thinking of some of the "back to school" projects I would like to get done before school starts (I know it's in as little as two weeks for some, so I better get started!!). So for now I'm thinking a couple more altered frames, altered composition notebooks, and maybe a altered pencil box. All this of course being done while I fulfill other orders :-)

So we took a trip to our local Michaels Store and I scored!! Love the stuff I got and can't wait to use it.
Of course I got some paper, I can't go into a craft store and not get paper, it's a sick addiction I have. But I needed some new Mod Podge and I got a ton of flocking and microbeads (sure going to have to think of something to do with that), and ribbons and bling, oh my!!! And I love, love Ball Jars so I had to get this one to store some of my bigger ribbons in! Love it!!

Anyhow, I will probably be spending some quality time with my little guy tomorrow since we had a bit of a trying, rainy day today, may just have to pick back up crafting on Saturday. 

Until next time, remember: be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"Bean" Inspired

This is where I will be trying to post my inspirations from wherever they may come: the Bible, my daily devotional, my children, internet, nature, wherever it may come I will be sharing. If you'd like to stay and visit with me, I wouldn't mind the company! Let's be inspired together :-)