
Monday, September 3, 2012

Sunshine Award

I'm a little late posting this, but a few weeks ago I was awarded the "Sunshine Award" by Hilda from Overwhelmed to Organized. If you haven't ever been by her blog you really should, she has some great ideas on orgainzing. She recently posted about their new Craft and Activity Area and I'm loving it, I'm always looking for ideas on how to organize the kids stuff in my craft/office area. 

So, onto the Sunshine Award. The Sunshine Award is given from bloggers to "bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere."  

Okay, so here's how the award works:  

First, you should thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them.  Next, answer the following questions about yourself.  Then, choose 10 of your favorite bloggers and link their blogs to your post.  Be sure to let them know that you are nominating them for the award.  

Last, be sure to copy and paste the award to your blog!  

Here we go!

1.  Favorite color- I usually lean towards greens, but I also love blues and yellows!
2.  Favorite animal- dogs! I have an almost 10-year old English Springer Spaniel. She is a hyper dog, even in her old age, but I don't think you will find a more dedicated dog. I also had a beagle, she will be 11,  but unfortunately had to send her to my parents when my baby girl was born. She was an old girl that didn't like crying babies. Oh well, she is having lots of fun at the "old folks" home, aka her grandparents :-)
3.  Favorite number- hmmm, let's say 10
4.  Favorite Drink- Pepsi & Coffee and am seriously trying to cut back
5.  Facebook or Twitter- Although I have both a Facebook and a Twitter account, I just don't get twitter. I am starting to learn more about google+ though, Facebook makes to many changes to fast and I can't keep up sometimes!
6.  Good book or good movie- I would prefer to read, but don't make the time for it so these days it's a good movie at the end of the day and preferably one where I don't have to "think" to much LOL!
7.  My passion?  My faith & family for sure.  But I love being creative, or at least attempting to be creative!
8.  Giving or getting gifts- Giving for sure! 
9.  Favorite day- Always Saturdays, I love family days!
10. Favorite flower- Potted geraniums; I would love to be able to grow Hydrangeas up here they are my favorites and poppies! 

Now you know a little bit more about me
So now, the 10 blogs (and please note there are a ton of great blogs out there that I know I haven't even discovered, but these are just a few I've most recently discovered that I thought I'd share with you all.) who I would like to give the Sunshine Award to, in no particular order, are:

Brooke over at  Get Outta My Head Please

Hilani over at Handmade by Hilani

Laura over at SAHM I Am

Elena over at 'A Casarella

Joey over at Created in AWE

Melissa over at Daisy Mae Belle

Kristin over at Little Corbin Hill

Justine over at Kerr-afty Creations

Susan over at Achieving Creative Order

Brooke over at Design Stash Blog

Please check out these awesome bloggers and see what great stuff they have to share.....


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