Monday, September 10, 2012

Dr. Seuss "Oh, The Places You'll Go" Cake

So I've saved my favorite part of the whole party for last, the cake! Man did it turn out AWESOME!!! I wish I could take credit for this masterpiece, but that would have to be my wonderful hubby. Take a look and tell me what you think?

My sister found a cake that she liked from  this gallery and that is where the inspiration came from. We didn't use any fondant or gum paste everything is buttercream frosting. 

Even though I didn't do much in the decorating part of the cake,  I did make the topper & the other dimensional elements on the cake. I made fabric lollipops, pinwheels, and little banners made from card-stock and pieces of the cover of the Dr. Seuss Book "Oh, The Places You'll Go". Even a couple of the pinwheels were made from the cover. :-)

I just love this! It turned out so pretty!

And of course we had cupcakes too. Mom made the cupcake stand using three plastic plates and two clear glass vases that she spray painted pink then hot glued the plates to the vases. 
The swirled icing on the cupcakes and the bright striped plates went so well together and with the cake! 

  She was kind of wondering why we had her cut the cake instead of us doing it, but we knew she would love what she found inside and I think she did! :-)

A Tie-Dyed Cake on the inside! This is the kind of stuff my sister loves and it was so AWESOME how it turned out!!! I'm so glad my hubby puts up with me and my ideas. I think he did such a GREAT job with every detail. And this was really the only "Surprise" about the cake and she LOVED IT!

Of course my little guy had to jump in there and make sure that daddy was cutting him a piece too!

There were a few mishaps along the way, but any time you do a major project in a little amount of time you are going to have that. So just a few tips: We used wooden dowels to support the cake, but the heat and humidity were horrible and combine that with a slightly un-level table (the open house was outside in the grass so definitely a possibility of it happening) made for the cake to slowly lean to one side by the end of the night. We did our best to adjust the table, but it was difficult. Luckily it didn't fall over it was just  leaning a bit more than we would have preferred. Also, hubby didn't know I wanted the middle layer blue so he had already iced the whole cake white and had to go back and ice it again, Oops! So that layer ended up having LOTs of icing, perfect for the sweet tooth like me! ;-) We haven't worked with fondant much, but you could totally do that. I would just use caution with the heat because it might just melt right off of you cake and that would NOT be cool!

So what do you think? My mom and sister were very happy with the end result and hubby and I were too! My little guy sees pictures of this cake and he still knows when it was from. I guess it had quite an impression on him. LOL

Be sure to stop by the other posts for the Dr. Seuss Theme Open House:

Sometimes I link up here:
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